General SOP
General Standard Operating Procedures
Alert Levels
Code Green
Called by: Any Command member.
Conditions: Default Alert Code at the start of the shift. Should not change unless a threat is suspected/confirmed.
All confirmed/suspected threats to the station and/or crew have been handled, or simply vanished on their own. Unless there is further evidence of a threat after 10+ minutes on Code Blue, Code Green should be called.
- All weapons must not be visible unless in pursuit of a suspect.
- Armory weapons must remain inside of the brig, however may be used for training purposes. Lethal sidearms are allowed on all alert levels, however should only be used in emergencies. (mk58, WT550, etc.)
- Random searches are not permitted without a search warrant. However, searches may be conducted against an individual if a member of security or command has witnessed that individual committing a crime.
Secure Areas:
- Secure areas require an access permit, unless required by a staff job.
- Secure areas: Security department, EVA Storage, Tech Storage, Gravity Generator, All Engineering areas beyond the lobby, Vault, and areas requiring command access.
- Secure areas are to be left unbolted and ready to be used for their intended purposes.
General Crew:
- The Vault is not to be opened by non-command members. Exceptions for repairs, gold for science, or storage of critical items will be made. All other access is by permit only.
- Although not required, crew are recommended to enable their suit sensors in case of injury.
- Crew members are advised to not wear hardsuits or emergency EVA suits, unless responding to an emergency or required for their job. These can make identification of crew difficult.
Code Blue
Called by: Any two Command members, HoS, or Captain.
Conditions: There is a suspected threat on-board the station, or at a nearby location in space. This includes any evidence of hostile activity that has not damaged the station or crew. This may also include multiple eye witness testimonies.
Confirmed Code Red threats have been properly handled or subsided on their own. It is recommended that, after 10+ minutes on Code Red without any hostile activity, Code Blue be called.
- Weapons may be visible.
- Armory weapons are permitted outside of the brig on a selective basis. Should all of sec be required to use armory weapons, red alert should be called.
- Random searches are encouraged. Security personnel may detain any personnel refusing a random search to conduct the search.
Secure Areas:
- Secure areas require an access permit, unless required by a staff job.
- Secure areas: Security department, EVA Storage, Tech Storage, Gravity Generator, All Engineering areas beyond the lobby, Vault, and areas requiring command access.
- Secure areas may be bolted if attempted unauthorized access is likely based on previous evidence.
- A thorough check of all power sources is heavily encouraged.
- A thorough check of all atmospheric systems is required.
Emergency access is recommended to be disabled from all medical entrances.
General Crew:
- Personnel are to report any suspicious activity to the nearest member of Security, or use common radio if urgent.
- Personnel are highly encouraged to exercise caution, all crew should follow simple safety procedures (such as not going through Maintenance alone).
- Visitors to the station such as refugees are recommended to stay in public areas, for their safety.
- The Vault is not to be opened by non-command members. Exceptions for repairs, or storage of critical items will be made. All other access is by permit only.
- All personnel are highly recommended to set their suit sensors to coordinates.
- A role-call of all department personnel should be conducted. Any missing members should be reported to security.
- A disabler or flash should be carried at all times.
- Non-security Command members may request with permit further armament.
Code Red
Called by: Any two Command members, or Captain.
Conditions: There is a confirmed, hostile threat on-board the station or nearby in space. This threat should pose active, recognizable, danger to the station and/or crew at large.
- Random searches are fully permitted and recommended. Security personnel may detain any personnel refusing a random search in order to conduct said search.
- Security personnel are to cooperate fully with any Central Command Staff (such as Emergency Response Teams) in order to eliminate the threat to the station.
- The security SOP will detail armament, armory, and safety procedures.
Secure Areas:
- Secure areas require an access permit, unless required by a staff job.
- Secure areas: Security department, EVA Storage, Tech Storage, Gravity Generator, All Engineering areas beyond the lobby, Vault, and areas requiring command access.
- There are no restrictions on bolting Secure Areas. Secure Areas may be left bolted or unbolted at the discretion of Command personnel.
- Secure areas are not to be entered by non-command, unless required by their job.
It is recommended that medical entrances be set to emergency access to allow crew members to heal themselves in emergencies.
General Crew:
1. Personnel are to follow the instructions of Security staff, so long as they are within the bounds of Space Law and are not acting against the general well-being of the station and its crew. 2. Personnel are advised to shelter in place and comply with security's orders.
Special Situations:
Confirmed Revolution
- All personnel are to comply with orders from Security, so long as said orders are lawful. Failure to do so is grounds for detainment and inspection of possessions, as well as possible Mindshield Implantation, at the discretion of the Head of Security, or Acting Head of Security.
- All personnel that are convicted of Medium Crimes or higher are to receive mandatory Mindshield Implantation. Similarly, if the number of suspected revolutionaries is more than twice the number of loyalists, the Head of Security or Acting Head of Security may order random implantation of crew members. 3. Lethal force is fully authorized if the number of active revolutionaries is more than twice the number of loyalists, and said revolutionaries are actively hostile.
Declarations of War
- All weapons restrictions are lifted.
- Cargo should focus on requesting as many weapons as possible. Security is to be prioritized for distribution, but regular personnel may also be armed.
- Science is to conduct research ASAP. This is not negotiable. Science should work in tandem with Cargo in order to fabricate the weapons and equipment required to defend the station.
- Barricades, glass, and traps are recommended to counter the threat.
- The Evacuation Shuttle may be called at the discretion of Command. If the station is not damaged after the fighting has subsided, it is recommended that the crew finish the shift.
Code Gamma
Called by: Central Command. Use a Communications Console or Fax Machine if requested alert level is needed. Remember, Gamma is rarely called, for good reason. Having a well-written, concise fax that explains the situation to the best of your ability, as well as why it deserves Code Gamma being called, signed and stamped by the Captain or Acting Captain, goes a long way towards ensuring Gamma is provided. Remember, this is for extreme emergencies only.
Conditions: There is an existential threat to the station and crew, without central command intervention the station is likely to be lost. However, this threat is not dire enough to trigger destruction of the station.
- Martial Law is enacted. Standard Operating Procedures and space law are suspended. Security personnel have authorization to perform any necessary actions to save the station. Personnel interfering with emergency procedures may be detained, and Security are cleared to use lethal force in response to any physical threat. Assault of Command, ERT, or Security, may be punished with immediate field execution.
- Random searches are fully permitted, allowed and encouraged. Security personnel may detain any personnel refusing a random search in order to conduct said search.
- The Armory should be deployed, and Security are to secure its contents and distribute them to Security personnel in order to handle the threat. Non-Security personnel (including members of the Legal Sub-Department) are not to receive armory weapons unless issued by the Warden, Head of Security, or Captain.
- Security personnel are to cooperate fully with any Central Command Staff (such as Emergency Response Teams) in order to eliminate the threat to the station.
Secure Areas:
- Secure areas are limited to command, security, and Central Command personnel.
- Secure areas: Security department, EVA Storage, Tech Storage, Gravity Generator, All Engineering areas beyond the lobby, Vault, and areas requiring command access.
- Secure areas should be bolted down, but may be left unbolted by order of command.
It is recommended that medical entrances be set to emergency access to allow personnel to heal themselves in emergencies.
General Crew:
- All personnel are to set their suit sensors to coordinates.
- Personnel must shelter in their departments or closest safe area, unless specifically requested by Central Command personnel, Security, or Command members.
- Exceptions will be made for crew who may have skills exceptionally useful. (Such as engineering, atmospheric, or medical personnel.)
- Visitors to the station are to remain inside the Bar, Library, or Dormitories.
Personnel are to follow the instructions of Security staff, so long as they are within the bounds of Space Law and are not acting against the general well-being of the station and its crew. Failure to do so may lead to their arrest for Creating a Workplace Hazard.
Code Delta
Called by: Automatically called when the on-board Nuclear Fission Device has been activated.
Conditions: The on-board Nuclear Fission Device has been activated by Command, Central Command personnel, or hostile personnel.
- In the case of hostile factions arming the device, defusing the bomb is not recommended. Security personnel are to escort all other personnel off-station.
- In the case of a Central Command-authorized activation of the on-board Nuclear Fission Device, all Security personnel are to stand down.
Secure Areas:
- Crew are allowed to enter secure areas. Procedures irrelevant.
- Secure areas: Security department, EVA Storage, Tech Storage, Gravity Generator, All Engineering areas beyond the lobby, Vault, and areas requiring command access.
It is recommended that medical entrances be set to emergency access to allow crew members to heal themselves in emergencies.
General Crew:
- In the case that antagonistic forces that have armed a nuclear device, all non-vital personnel are to evacuate off-station immediately;
- In the case of a Central Command-authorized activation of the on-board Nuclear Fission Device, all personnel are to stand down.
Code Yellow
Called by: Any command member.
Conditions: There is a significant structural or atmospheric threat to the station that requires direct intervention from the Engineering department.
- Cordon off the dangerous area.
- Verify cause of station damage.
- Prevent non-engineering crew from accessing the damaged area.
- Prevent further disruption to the station.
Secure Areas:
- Secure areas require an access permit, unless required by a staff job.
- Secure areas: Security department, EVA Storage, Tech Storage, Gravity Generator, All Engineering areas beyond the lobby, Vault, and areas requiring command access.
- There are no restrictions on bolting Secure Areas. Secure Areas may be left bolted or unbolted at the discretion of Command personnel.
- Secure areas are not to be entered by non-command, unless required by their job.
- Medical personnel should be ready to treat a large number of disaster victims.
- Medical personnel should work with those at the incident location to triage patients.
- Immediately coordinate with your chief engineer to determine the level of damage to the station.
- Work with your department and security to cordon off and investigate the area.
- Work quickly to make the area safe again. Once safe, further repairs may be conducted.
General Crew:
- Avoid the damaged areas.
- Report any suspicious activity to security present in damaged areas.
In the case of massive station damage, the evacuation shuttle should be called.
Special Situations
Loss of singularity containment:
- The Gravitational Singularity is to be tracked at all costs. If the Singularity heads towards the main station, the emergency shuttle is to be called. If the Gravitational Singularity heads off-station, damage done to the station should be taken into consideration.
- If station damage is extensive and unrecoverable, the emergency shuttle should be called.
- If station damage appears recoverable, an ERT is recommended. If the engineering team is confident in their abilities, ERT may be waived.
Supermatter crystal delamination:
- The Supermatter Crystal is to be vented to space.
- In such a case as the Supermatter Crystal containment was not equipped with a way to space the Crystal, the area around the Crystal is to be evacuated, and all personnel involved in the construction fired and brigged for Destruction of Property and Endangerment.
Loss of Tesla Ball containment:
- The Tesla Ball is to be tracked at all costs, and its current location announced to the crew.
- Should the Tesla Ball make its way into the station, the emergency shuttle should be called immediately.
Massive fires and poisonous gas releases:
- All non-Engineering or Atmospheric personnel are to vacate the area.
- Firelock systems are to be left untouched by non-Engineering or Atmospheric crew. Deliberately opening firelocks during a fire/poisonous gas release in order to open way to the Hazard is to be considered Destruction of Property/Mass Destruction.
- Engineering and Atmospherics personnel are to restore the affected area to workable conditions.
Severe meteor storms:
- Personnel are to head to the inner most protected area of the station.
- No repair activities are to be performed until the end of the storm, for safety reasons.
- All personnel performing EVA duty are to return to the station post haste.
- If the meteor storm ends quickly, Engineering is to repair the damage ASAP.
- Should an extended storm occur, no repair activities on non-critical components are to be performed. Personnel are to remain away from the station’s exterior, and all efforts should focused on maintaining the integrity of the area. The emergency shuttle is to be called when possible.
Code Violet
Called by: Any two personnel with Command-Level Access, or one Captain-level access card.
Conditions: A Viral Pathogen has infected a significant portion of the crew. In the event of a Viral Outbreak, all infected personnel are to direct themselves to Medbay immediately.
- Medbay should be secured ASAP. Quarantine of infected is top priority.
- Should securing medbay not be possible, the evacuation shuttle arrival area should be secured.
Secure Areas:
- Secure areas require an access permit, unless required by a staff job.
- Secure areas: Medical department, Security department, EVA Storage, Tech Storage, Gravity Generator, All Engineering areas beyond the lobby, Vault, and areas requiring command access.
- There are no restrictions on bolting Secure Areas. Secure Areas may be left bolted or unbolted at the discretion of Command personnel.
- Secure areas are not to be entered by non-command, unless required by their job.
- Chemistry is to immediately begin researching the cure to the infection.
- Medical entrances should be locked down to prevent further infection of medical personnel. Crew should be let into medical in a controlled manner.
- Any potentially infected personnel should be isolated.
- Any pacified infected personnel should be brought to chemistry to aid in cure production.
- A cure should be distributed to the crew once available.
General Crew:
- Personnel should self-quarantine to avoid infection. Shelter in a safe area and avoid those who are potentially infected.
- If you believe you are infected, calmly wait for the distribution of the cure at medbay.
- Once the threat has passed, work may resume.
Should the station threat become too high to handle, the emergency shuttle should be called.
Miscellaneous clarifications
Line of succession:
If the captain dies and is unrecoverable for whatever reason, then a new captain must be selected.
The line of succession is as follows:
- Captain
- Head of Personnel
- Head of Security
- Crew member voted on by all available command staff.
If no heads are present the NT Representative on station will be made Captain and the evacuation shuttle should be called and alert set to red.
Command Clarifications:
- Head of Personnel is considered second in line of succession for station Captain, but has equal rank to every other head of staff.
- Head of Personnel may hire/fire staff with the relevant department head's permission.
- Head of Personnel may not give orders to, or assign workers from any department other than service.
- Warden is considered second in command of security, however is not command staff.
- Passenger command falls under the Head of Personnel, but are not considered service department.
Non-Crew Policies
Docking and Visitors
- 1. The station is encouraged to allow non-hostile visitors permission to dock and embark on the station station during green alert level.
- If a crewmember commits a crime aboard a Nanotrasen station, and then flees to an actively in-use unaffiliated vessel, asylum will be granted on the discretion of the vessel’s organization.
- The Captain may grant or deny visitor asylum at his discretion.
- Visitors may be granted any access the Captain deems appropriate.
- Visitors may be assigned an escort or searched upon entrance at the Captain’s discretion.
- At no times should the crew enter a visitor’s vessel without permission, search a visitor’s vessel, or otherwise infringe on their sovereignty.
- Visitors aboard an NT Vessel are subject to Space Law. Likewise, if a visitor breaks the law and then immediately flees to their own vessel, the "hot pursuit" doctrine applies and security may board to detain.
- Nanotrasen Space law does not apply on visitor shuttles and ships that are unaffiliated with any corporation.
- Any personnel aboard a vessel are under the legal authority of that vessel and may be legally fined, arrested, detained, and otherwise punished for infractions of the visitor's laws.
- Vessels belonging to organizations at war with Nanotrasen, vessels which attack a Nanotrasen facility or ship, and vessels engaged in obvious criminal activities are not protected by these regulations.
Nanotrasen Staff Handling Policies
Hiring/Transfer Policies
- No new hires or transfers are permitted without contacting the relevant command member. If one is not available, promoting an Acting Head of Staff is recommended. See the command SOP for further information.
- Promotion to Acting command requires authorization by the Captain or Acting Captain.
- The following jobs require permission from Central Command before hiring/transfer is done: Captain, Head of Security, Head of Personnel.
- All new hires to the Security Department, are to be mindshield implanted and fully checked for unauthorized materials or suspicious communications.
Firing/Demotion Policies
- In the case of a full dismissal, the relevant ID is to be destroyed.
- In the case of a demotion, Civilian-level access is recommended. Alternatively, low requirement jobs such as Service Worker, Clown, or Janitor may be chosen.
- No dismissals or demotions are to be performed without authorization from the relevant Head of Staff or Captain. See command SOP for demotions of command.
- Personnel are to report to the Head of Personnel for dismissal/demotion. Failure to do so will lead to security detainment.
- After a legal dismissal/demotion order is given to the person dismissed/demoted, any activity inside the previously assigned Department is to be considered Trespassing/Major Trespassing, and any item kept from said Department is to be considered Petty Theft/Theft. It is recommended that dismissed/demoted personnel willingly and quickly turn in all restricted items and cooperate to avoid detainment by security.
Causes for Demotion and Dismissal
Refer to the above for dismissal authority. Ultimately, the decision to dismiss/demote any personnel falls to the relevant Head of Staff or Captain. This list is merely a recommendation.
- Any medium-severe breach of Standard Operating Procedure without proper cause.
- Any medium crime or higher.
- Critical incompetence, or maliciously under performing.
- Refusal to follow legal and relevant orders by the respective Head of Staff.
- Legality and relevance of said orders are to be judged by the Captain or Head of Personnel.
- Creation of a hostile, or unsafe work environment.
- Personnel consistently berating, insulting, belittling, or otherwise treating their coworkers like dirt, should be immediately disciplined.
Vote of No Confidence
- A Vote of No Confidence is a method for crew to arrange for demotions of unfit command members. An exceptional reason must be provided. Detailed below are some potential reasons for demotion.
- Votes must be verified by a 3rd party who tabulates the votes, and additionally verifies the reasoning behind the vote. Unless involved in the dispute, the 3rd party must be the on-station Captain. If the captain is the target of the vote, central command will adjudicate the matter.
- If the 3rd party dismisses the vote reason, the target of the vote must have their position respected, not doing so may result in a demotion for creating an abusive work environment against them. If the department is understaffed or a tie occurs, the 3rd party may be a tie breaker.
- Votes by departmental crew against their Head of Staff must pass with a 2/3 majority in favor of the vote for it to take effect.
- Votes by Command against their Captain must pass a simple majority in favor of the vote for it to take effect.
Money Accounts and Space Credits
- Individual Crew Members have sole ownership over their credits and may choose where to spend it, command or security members may not access crew credit accounts.
- Crew members not working on behalf of a department or not explicitly using a departments resources or facilities are permitted to ask for space credit compensation for personal gain in return for services or products they offer to other crew members.
Emergency SOPs
Emergency Response Teams
- Emergency Response Teams are only to be called when there is a Code Red-level threat or above.
- Emergency Response Teams are not to be called concurrently with the emergency shuttle. Pick one or the other.
- Emergency Response Teams are to be called when there is a major emergency aboard the station that the crew does not have the resources to address properly. Such as a high level security threat, massive station damage, paranormal activity, etc.
- Emergency Response Teams should not to be called without majority approval from Command.
- Emergency Response Teams officially outrank anyone short of a Central Command Officer, at the discretion of Central Command. Unless their actions are blatantly illegal and against the best interest of NanoTrasen, the crew, or the station, their orders are absolute.
The Emergency Shuttle
- The Emergency Shuttle is not to be called concurrently with an Emergency Response Team. Pick one or the other.
- In the event of hostile biohazard lifeforms appearing on the station (such as deadly viruses, or Terror Spiders), Central Command is to be notified by red phone or fax before the Emergency Shuttle is called. Failure to do so may lead to the shuttle being recalled in order to enforce quarantine. CC may deny emergency shuttle requests to handle the biohazard.
- In the event that the Emergency Shuttle is called, all personnel are to assemble at the emergency shuttle docking area at 5 minutes before arrival.
- Forcing an early departure of the Emergency Shuttle is not permitted.
- All personnel in critical condition are to be given emergency aid ASAP.