Main Page

From Starlight wiki
This is the approved revision of this page, as well as being the most recent.
Welcome to the official Starlight Space Station 14 wiki.

Currently 9 active members maintain 117 articles about Starlight.

Server rulesThe key to an enjoyable gaming experience.
ContrabandA set of definitions of all antagonist subjects.
Corporate LawNanoTrasen Corporation's set of requirements.
Standard operating proceduresYour job descriptions.
PaperworkFor lovers of bureaucracy.
RolesProfessions and beyond.
About Starlight
STARLIGHT is an MIT open-source fork of the Space Station 14 project aimed at creating unique mechanics and a pleasant game atmosphere.
Working with the wiki
You can help develop the Space Station 14 wiki. To do this, register using Space Station 14 account and start editing anything, after that, administration review your changes and approve or reject.
DiscordStarlight Community.
SiteStarlight site.
Basic Guidelines