Standard Operating Procedures
These SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) provide instructions for the station crew during normal shift operation. These may be changed by the station's Captain at any time. This should not be a considered a checklist of conditions to fire someone over, and should not be rigidly followed to the letter in detriment of circumstances and context. SOPs can be malleable if the situation requires, and the decision to punish personnel for breaching it ultimately falls onto the relevant Head of Staff for Department Members; or Captain for the Head of Staff.
While these SOPs may come with in character punishments on the Alfa (MRP-) server, repeated intentional disregard on the Beta (MRP+) server may be grounds for a role ban from the department.
How do I use an SOP?
You should read and make sure you understand the SOP before beginning any work on the station. If you have any questions on the SOP, first consult your nearest department head. Failing this, department heads and captains are permitted to contact Central Command with any issues or changes they'd like to make. The station's NanoTrasen Representative, or nearest Internal Affairs Agent should be considered an authority on the SOP as well, and are permitted to contact Central Command directly regarding SOP violations, and disregard of SOP by command members.
How does an SOP help me?
These SOPs give you a code of conduct to abide by. You should follow what is in the following documents, and repeated violations may result in contract termination, or removal from the sector.
Standard Operating Procedures give power to command to help determine what their department workers should be doing. It will help you guide the prospective hiring and firing of crew members.
Similarly, these SOPs give power to the crew, by allowing you to abdicate and fire relevant command members if they are not behaving properly.
General SOP
This SOP is for general crew members, and applies to all crew on the station. This should be the first thing you read once you arrive on station.
Command SOP
This SOP is for command members and their expected behavior. You are to be held to a higher standard than normal crew, and must act as such.
Security SOP
This SOP dictates the behavior of the station's security department. All crew members should review this SOP to ensure space law is being interpreted correctly.
Legal SOP
This SOP dictates the behavior of the station's Internal Affairs Agent, and Magistrate. (WIP at the moment, Grapegifter will make and upload soonish)
Engineering SOP
This SOP is to assist the station's engineering department in setting up station power, and general conduct for station emergencies. (WIP at the moment, Grapegifter will make and upload soonish)
Medical SOP
This SOP is to assist the station's medical team in crew treatment, and provide guidelines on handling station crew after death. (WIP at the moment, Grapegifter will make and upload soonish)
Cargo SOP
This SOP is to assist the station's cargo and salvage team, and give them guidelines on how to best supply the station with materials.
Science SOP
This SOP is to assist the station's science team in SAFELY conducting research on board the station. (WIP at the moment, Grapegifter will make and upload soonish)
NanoTrasen Employee SOP
This SOP is for the NanoTrasen Representative, Blue Shield Officer, and ERT squads. (Under construction, consider official for now, expect changes in the future.)