Server rules (Starlight)

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Server rules

The following are rule for the Starlight Space Station 14 servers. Violating these rules may result in a warning, a temporary ban, or a permanent ban. You may also be banned from specific roles/jobs/departments. Bans can be appealed in the official Starlight discord server.

Players are also expected to understand Metashield.

If you are ever in doubt as to whether or not something is breaking the rules, feel free to contact the admins via Admin Help or ask on the discord server.

For in-universe laws and rules check Corporate Law and SOP.

Remember, the rules and examples given here are NOT exhaustive. (See Rule 1)

Rule 0 - Don't be a dick.

Rules can't cover every possible situation. Use your own common sense, and keep any arguments in character, not in LOOC, ahelps, or in the lobby. Any out of character communications should be respectful and kind.

This includes using any bugs/exploits. Please report them in the discord and using the ahelp feature.

Rule 1 - Admins have final say.

Rules cannot cover every possible situation that will arise. Admins at their discretion may increase, decrease, or modify the standard punishments based on the situation. If you believe that punishment was unjustly given, you may appeal it in the discord server.

Example(s) of this rule being broken:

"There isn't a rule saying I can't!"
"None of the other players had a problem with it!"
"No one had a problem with it last time!"

Rule 2 – No griefing or harrassment

Intentionally ruining the gameplay of other players is forbidden. Round ending actions, such as:

  • Releasing the tesla
  • Significant station damage (department size+)
  • Mass round removal, plasma flooding
  • Mass RDM (Random Death Match)

May result in a permanent ban. Some objectives or circumstances may change this, it is better to ask an admin before taking actions to this level.

Intentional actions to the point of harassment, both in and out of character, may lead to a permanent ban.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Racism, specism, sexism or discrimination
  • Homophobic content
  • Excessive talk/glorification of self-harm
  • Real world politics
  • Intentionally seeking out the same character over multiple rounds

Rule 3 – Do not breach MRP logic

This Starlight server is a Medium Roleplay (MRP) project. To further this goal, you will be expected to act as if you have become your character in game. This means you should weigh your actions as your character would. Dying for instance, should be a fear of all characters, within reason. You are allowed to remember characters and their vague actions between rounds, but may not remember anything shielded by the metashield on our wiki (i.e. the existence of nuclear operatives).

A short list of actions to avoid are listed below in no particular order. This list is NOT comprehensive.

  • Powergaming: Overly preparing for situations that have not come up yet. For instance, captain bolting his quarter’s doors shut.
  • Metagaming: Using out of game/previous knowledge to prepare/fight/effect the round, or talking about such.
  • In character talk in OOC chat, or vice versa during the round
  • Self-Harm/Killing: Self-killing is only allowed in the very rare circumstance that your character would have no other way out of a situation, and should not be dwelled upon.
  • End of round greifing (EORG): The round continues while at central command. You may choose to interact with OOC chat at this time.
  • RDM: Random death match, attacking players around you with no escalation or reasoning.
  • Memory loss when unconscious: Any loss of consciousness (Forced sleep, vampire trance, death, or critical state, etc.) should cause your character to only remember fuzzy details of the events. No names, specific jobs, or titles may be remembered without further investigation of the event.

Rule 4 – Rules of Escalation

Do not randomly attack other crew members. Security also, should refer to their specific SOP on how to handle prisoners and passengers at different alert levels.

Interactions with other players should follow similar actions to real life. Arguments with other passengers may lead to violence, however there should rarely be a reason to kill another player as a non-antagonist. Antagonists should attempt to roleplay their objectives as much as possible as well.

Actions should start small, and all crew have the right to self defense if attacked. This may include running from security as an antagonist, however non-antagonists should not seek to seriously harm security personnel.

Rule 5 – Antagonist Behavior

Antagonists should behave and play responsibly, and according to the MRP philosophy that has been laid out so far. They should only take actions that directly align with their objectives. The goal of antagonist roles is to provide storytelling elements to the round, and offer players a chance to complete their objectives while enhancing the roleplay aspects of the game. Antagonists are expected to follow all server rules as well, however leeway is given for escalation and antagonistic behavior towards their targets or objectives.

Antagonists should not:

  • Release the tesla or singularity intentionally without very good reason
  • Mass round remove/RDM
  • Take actions outside of their objectives
  • Reveal your antagonist status unnecessarily, you are likely a secret agent sent by the syndicate, and revealing yourself should be a last ditch effort to escape, if at all.
    • Certain antagonists, such as space dragons and nuclear operatives may choose to remain secretive or play openly. If in doubt, use ahelp.
    • The exceptions to this rule: You are unable to reach your target/objective without playing openly (The warden hasn’t left security for instance.), or you have the Die a Glorious Death (DAGD) objective.
  • Thieves should not intentionally kill any crew members.
  • The Evacuation shuttle and Central Command are not to be damaged
    • You may attempt your objective on the evac shuttle if necessary, however mass bombing, plasma flooding, and mass RR/RDM are expressly forbidden.

Example(s) of this rule being broken:

As a head revolutionary, simply walking up to people around the bar and flashing them with no attempt at concealing your actions or isolating the individuals.

Rule 6 – Your Character’s Limitations

Your character is an employee of the space station, loyal to the ideals of the Corporation and his superiors. All characters are to be and act as if they are 18+. Names and surnames must be appropriate to the context and standards of the setting. Names and surnames of celebrities, actors, characters from movies/TV, as well as other OOC names are not allowed.

Standard operating procedures will be considered rules for the MRP+ server, and guidelines for the MPR- server. Intentional and repeated violations of these may result in a role ban.

Example(s) of this rule being broken:

Talking about real life current events as if they are happening now, or referencing real life politics.
Naming yourself "JC Denton", "George Washington", "Spongebob Squarepants", or "Billie Eilish".
Neglecting your job to get drunk at the bar after repeated, urgent requests from your superiors.
As security, handing out free, loaded guns to everyone unprompted.

Rule 7 - Self-Antagonism.

Selt-antagonism is defined as acting maliciously against the station or it’s crew. Examples are included in Rule 3 also, but may include:

  • RDM
  • Directly interfering/antagonizing security with no RP reasons
  • Interfering with arrests
  • Assisting antagonists as a non-antagonist willingly

Note: this rule does not restrict non-antagonists from actions that break Space Law. Non-antagonists are willing participants of the station, and should act as such. Roleplay may however influence a character’s decisions, such as being held at gunpoint, or life or death scenarios.

Example(s) of reasonable in-character space law breaking:

While facing a serious station-threatening antagonist, ordering and breaking open locked weapons crates in order to arm yourself and others for self-defense.
Starting a fist-fight, with no intention of killing, after a heated (in-character) argument.
Hacking open a door you don't have access to after half the station and its crew are destroyed.
Trespassing in somewhere you need to access to in order to do your job after waiting a long time for access to be granted to you.

Rule 8 – Do not resort to validhunting

Players who are non-security should not be attempting to stop and hunt down antagonists on their own. This is a breach of a character’s logic. Security officers and ERT are assigned the job of protecting the station, and should be called whenever reasonable.

Exceptions will be made for life or death scenarios, station-wide threats such as nuclear operatives, and self defense.

Rule 9 - Interacting with SSD/AFK players

SSD (Space Sleep Disorder) players are players who have disconnected from the game and can return to their body still. They can be identified with the yellow text upon inspection, and Zs next to their character model. AFK players are those who are unresponsive to questions or actions being taken around them.

Being killed or robbed due to inactivity does not assist with interesting gameplay. Killing or robbing an SSD player is not interesting for either the killer or the victim. If your target is SSD, you may use ahelp to determine the best path forward.

The basic rules for dealing with SSD/AFK players are as follows:

  • It is forbidden to touch or interact with SSD players except in the following cases: taking them to a cryo-pod, providing medical assistance, or rescuing them from immediate danger (such as carrying them out of a fire).
  • Likewise, if a player with SSD has a “Wanted” status, they may not be detained without the permission of an administrator.
  • If the player went SSD during or immediately after the detention, it is allowed to continue the detention and arrest.
  • Likewise, if you are an antagonist, and if your target has entered SSD immediately after you attacked them, you may continue.
  • If you feel compelled by the situation to interact with a player in the SSD (for example, to retrieve an important piece of equipment from a captain), use Ahelp first.
  • It is forbidden to steal a player's SSD items, except in the following cases: a mission to steal cloaks, medals, figurines and other items that are unique.

Rule 10 – Erotic Roleplay (ERP) is forbidden

ERP is any roleplay that includes any descriptions, mentions, or enacting of sexual acts. This includes pictures, roleplay, words, typed messages, and any other form of content. The shift should not revolve around dating, or romantic relationships between characters. Kissing and hugging are allowed, as long as their descriptions do not become graphic or extreme.

In character insults such as those below are not included in ERP, as long as they do not become extreme.

It is best to stay away from borderline content, but some examples of what is allowed:

"Fuck you" - insult
"You're a motherfucker" - insult
"How about you eat me instead?" - Response to an unreasonable request

Rule 11 - New Life.

New Life, was made so that you can continue your game on the server after the death of your character. However:

  • You forget everything you knew as a past character or ghost.
  • It is forbidden to abuse new life by spamming characters.
  • You may not ‘antag roll’ for antagonist slots.

Rule 12 - Silicon.

The Silicon Rules override all roleplay rules if there is any conflict. Silicon Rules do not override server rules. Follow rules in order, from smallest to largest number.

Subparagraphs to this rule:

  • You cannot request or allow a law change.
  • You must remain consistent with your interpretation of laws.
  • ID determines who is station crew. Zombies with ID are still crew members.